Tommy Rosen

We Can Each Be the Change

Welcome to your special-focus digital edition of TOGETHER magazine, where you will meet an empowering cohort of "Changemakers"—people who are challenging perceptions about addiction and mental health issues and inspiring recovery and well-being at new levels.

Brimming with the wisdom of lived experience, their stories remind us of the mantra to be the change we want to see: 

  • To listen the way we want to be heard
  • To extend the compassion we want to experience
  • To offer the connection we want to feel

In finding our own voice and finding our own purpose, we help others find courage, strength and understanding in ways we may never know—but in ways that ultimately help us all feel a little less alone and a little more encouraged.

Together, we are empowering recovery and well-being for all.

A note about names: In sharing people's stories, TOGETHER magazine honors the preference of each individual as to the degree of anonymity they choose in identifying themselves.

Hope Takes Center Stage

Playwright and performer Maggie Moe recasts the story of addiction and recovery.

Maggie M.

Educator. Innovator. Leader. Counselor.

Susie Brooks is changing the conversation—and the trajectory¬—for students.

Susie Brooks

Constantly Re-Inspired

Recovery newcomer Ben M. makes the most of his sober social community.

Ben M.

Giving Back in Gratitude

Meet a family who's been there—and wants to be there for others.

Logan Family

Helping Patients Find Their "Why"

Psychologist Heather Jones, PhD, explains how motivational interviewing creates a powerful partnership for change.

Heather Jones

It's Your Move!

Life-Changing Opportunities for You to Stay Connected, Go Further and Give Back

Alumni Game Board image

We're Glad You're Here

Whether you've come to us for addiction treatment, mental health services, recovery support or family care, please know that Hazelden Betty Ford is always here for you—wherever you find yourself on your journey of recovery and well-being.





Join our advocacy efforts and help to shape public policy with us.

Graduate School

If you've ever considered a career as an addiction and mental health counselor, you need to know about our acclaimed Graduate School.


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