Hazelden Betty Ford: Treatment Results and Patient Outcomes

Today, as the world faces an addiction and mental health crisis of historic proportion, Hazelden Betty Ford’s breakthrough approach is needed more than ever—advancing treatment that works and recovery that lasts.

One year after treatment, 74 percent report being sober
One year after treatment, 83 percent of our patients report low or no alcohol or drug cravings
One year after treatment, 89 percent with opioid use disorder report staying on plan with medications as prescribed
One year after treatment, 88 percent rate their overall quality of life as good or better, almost 20 percent higher than adults surveyed nationally
One year after treatment, 88 percent rate their overall health as good or better, the same as Americans who've never needed treatment

Helping People Outlive the Disease of Addiction

We are ready to help you outlive this chronic disease. Our ongoing patient monitoring shows that twice (2x) as many of our patients report continuous sobriety during the year after treatment than industry rates found in addiction treatment research.

The patient data supports the effectiveness of our clinical model of care, measured by the length of sobriety, management of cravings and other indicators well-being—revealing the benefits of treatment.

With the right care, support and time, recovery from substance use disorders isn’t just the norm. Recovery is the catalyst for an all-around better quality of life.

The Research Is In

The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is redefining addiction treatment that helps patients outlive their disease. We stay at the forefront of addiction treatment by doing our own groundbreaking research. The latest patient outcomes data, monitored and analyzed by Hazelden Betty Ford’s Butler Center for Research, demonstrate the sweeping impact of our treatment in real-life terms for families. This outcomes data analysis marks a first in our industry—a multiyear, comprehensive survey on patients during and after treatment with Hazelden Betty Ford.

About the Butler Center for Research

Hazelden Betty Ford has documented the effectiveness of its treatment programs from the very start, with the first patient follow-up report issued in 1950. Led by PhD-level clinicianresearchers, the Butler Center for Research maintains the integrity of our outcomes by operating separately from clinical care and using evidence-based research methods backed by third-party National Institutes of Health advisors. The Butler Center for Research continues our rigorous search for increasingly effective treatment solutions.