Help for Me FAQs

Rehab might feel like a really big step. But you’re here for a reason. You’re looking for answers. Here’s a Q&A with basic information about what’s involved in addiction treatment, how to access help and why you don’t need to wait until you hit rock bottom.
Mature woman contemplating at home

Where can I find a Hazelden Betty Ford facility near me?

Hazelden Betty Ford has sites throughout the United States. If you’re not located near one of our facilities, we offer virtual addiction treatment programs and mental health services. 

What kind of rehab programs do you offer?

Hazelden Betty Ford offers a full range of residential and outpatient alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs and services including specialized services for opioid addiction,  older adults,  teens and young adults and professionals. In addition, our treatment experts are skilled at addressing co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety and trauma.

Can I get help at Hazelden Betty Ford for alcohol addiction?

Yes, our rehab programs and services are designed to address your specific needs—including treatment for alcohol use disorder. When you talk with our intake staff, you will be asked about your history of alcohol use. This information along with many other considerations will help our experts determine the most-effective treatment options for you. If residential treatment is recommended, you will start your stay on our medical detox unit to make sure you are safely and comfortably detoxed from alcohol. Then you will move onto a treatment unit. If outpatient treatment services are recommended, we will find a program that fits your needs and is convenient for you.

Can I get help at Hazelden Betty Ford for opioid or other drug addiction?

Yes. Inpatient and outpatient treatment at Hazelden Betty Ford is patient-centered, meaning your care plan will be built to address your specific needs. Our clinicians will take many variables into consideration in developing your treatment plan, including types of drugs used, physical and mental health, gender, family history and more. This information helps us design the most-effective treatment options for you. If inpatient treatment is recommended for you, you will first stay on a medical detox unit to make sure you are safely and comfortably detoxed from the drugs you’ve been using before you move onto a treatment unit.

If you are struggling with opioid addiction (heroin, painkillers), Hazelden Betty Ford’s specialized COR-12 opioid treatment program is designed to ease the discomfort of opioid withdrawal, reduce cravings and help you engage more fully in your treatment program, including group therapy, educational sessions and individual therapy.

What is treatment like at Hazelden Betty Ford?

Whether you come to us for inpatient rehab or an outpatient program, your core treatment activities will include:

  • Group therapy
  • Individual therapy
  • Educational presentations and workshops
  • Special-focus groups
  • Mental health services
  • Mindfulness and relaxation practices

Your treatment plan will be structured and individualized based on your clinical needs. If you are in one of our residential treatment programs, you will receive a schedule each day with the individual and group sessions to attend.

Do you offer online treatment services?

Yes. Hazelden Betty Ford provides virtual addiction treatment programs and mental health services. You can access our telehealth services by using your smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer or any device with an Internet connection and a camera. In addition to the easy-to-use video conferencing platform, our virtual systems comply with federal and state health care privacy regulations (e.g., meets HIPAA-compliant telemedicine standards). 

What are the Twelve Steps?

The Twelve Steps are a set of principles that can help to guide your recovery from addiction. Essentially, Twelve Step programs outline a course of action you can follow to restore manageability and order to your life. By practicing principles of acceptance, humility, courage, honesty, compassion, forgiveness and self-discipline, you can create new pathways to positive behavioral change, emotional well-being and even spiritual growth. Also worth nothing: Twelve Step Facilitation is an evidence-based treatment approach that promotes long-term recovery by encouraging active participation in mutual-support peer groups. 

How do I get admitted to inpatient treatment at Hazelden Betty Ford?

Your first step is to call our admissions department. Hazelden Betty Ford’s admissions staff will complete a confidential assessment with you over the phone to help determine the appropriate level of care to meet your needs. To get started, call 1-866-831-5700.

Do I need a physician referral?

No, a physician referral is not required for admission to Hazelden Betty Ford.

What do I tell my employer about going to treatment?

We recommend that you evaluate and determine for yourself what, if any, information you will share with your employer. Federal law does not require you to provide details to your employer. However, state laws vary. Some employers offer a confidential Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can be extremely helpful in guiding your decision making.

You should know there may be automatic employer notification for actions such as filing a claim for state or private disability insurance. For example, if you reside in California and file for state disability (EDD), EDD automatically notifies your employer that you have filed a claim in order to verify information about your employment, wages, etc. Employers can require a note from your physician indicating your need to be off work and length of time away as well as documentation you are fit for duty prior to returning to work. You may want to apply for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

What should I bring with me to treatment?

The Hazelden Betty Ford specialist you talk with about the intake process will send you a list of items to bring (and not bring) to treatment. 

What are my treatment payment options?

Hazelden Betty Ford is an in-network addiction treatment center with most major health insurance companies, with the exception of Medicare/Medicaid. In-network insurance coverage means your out-of-pocket expenses for rehab are reduced. Our financial advocates will work with you and your insurance company to determine what the cost of treatment will be. If you don’t have insurance, our financial advocates will help you determine your out-of-pocket costs based on your specific treatment recommendations. 

What if I'm not ready for treatment yet?

You don’t have to hit rock bottom with substance abuse before getting help. In other words, you might never feel ready for treatment. But here you are, and you’ve already taken the most important step by looking into treatment options. If this isn’t the first time you’ve thought about trying to get sober or if a loved one is telling you they’re concerned about your alcohol or drug use, give us a call and we can help you determine whether treatment makes sense. Another way to think about your situation: Consider the potential consequences of not going to treatment—the greater risk of having an accident, the increased strain on your most important relationships, the possible loss of your career or livelihood. And if you’re using an opioid drug (heroin, painkillers), your risk for severe consequences—including overdose— increases the longer you continue to use. Life can be so much more than this for you. Reach out today. We’re here to help.