About Our Recovery Coaching Program

The Connection™ program offers individuals and families in early or long-term recovery access to Hazelden Betty Ford professionals who can help advance their recovery. 
Asian woman studying at home using laptop on the table. Young female using laptop holding a pen in hand

Connection™ Recovery Coaching, Intervention and Monitoring

Convenient and confidential, Hazelden Betty Ford's virtual coaching program helps you and your family navigate and advance your recovery with a dedicated recovery coach from wherever you are located.

Connection Programs Recovery Support Services 

These provide intensive support and coaching for participants and their loved ones with accountability through verification reports and alcohol/drug testing. 

Brief Intervention Recovery Coaching 

Highly personalized and goal-focused, brief intervention coaching helps participants pinpoint a negative behavior or mindset and develop an action plan for turning it around. 

Monitoring Program

For those who need written documentation of ongoing abstinence, it provides accountability through Breathalyzer testing and/or urine drug screening. 

Participation Requirements

At Hazelden Betty Ford, recovery coaching is open to all who need support. There is no need to have completed substance use disorder treatment services with Hazelden Betty Ford to sign up for recovery coaching. 

Pricing is based on session and monthly basis. Recovery coaching programs are approved FSA and HSA expenses. And scholarships for tuition support may be available, based on demonstrated need and availability  of funds.


Connection program fee chart

Recovery Coaches Make the Difference 

Recovery requires you to reshape your thinking and behavior as well as your relationship with mind-altering substances. And, at any time from early to long-term recovery, cravings and unhealthy behaviors can creep in. Your recovery coach can help you navigate these cravings and manage any intrusive thoughts or feelings, each day building toward long-term sobriety.

Research also verifies how important it is to continue with recovery-focused activities following treatment for alcohol or other drugs. In fact, scientific findings published by Hazelden Betty Ford's Butler Center for Research show that the average abstinence rate increases to 82 percent for individuals who participate in recovery monitoring programs.  

Recovery coaching, intervention sessions, accountability verification reports and drug testing are key components of Connection. This intensive level of recovery support and monitoring has proven to be especially helpful for individuals who:

  • have been in treatment multiple times 
  • are facing loss of a professional license
  • are struggling with legal issues or child custody matters
  • are students returning to college 
  • are facing a life-changing transition
  • need additional accountability, no matter how long they have been in recovery. 

Through Connection services, family members and other key stakeholders designated by you—such as your employer, licensing board, school administrator or probation officer—stay informed and involved in your recovery too.

Recovery Coaching Q&A 

How do Connection services bridge the gap between addiction treatment and recovery?

In addiction treatment, patients are educated about how recovery works, but learning how to live in recovery—actually changing your mindset and behaviors in relation to almost every aspect of your life—presents new challenges at every turn. Having support, guidance and accountability in those early months makes that transition smoother. 

Our professional recovery coaches work with you over an extended period of time to help you establish and sustain sobriety so you can be the person you want to be and lead the life you want to live.

What behaviors or objectives do Connection Coaches focus on?

First and foremost, coaches help you stay sober. The Connection program's random drug testing keep you abstinent and accountable, and sober coaches will help you identify the triggers, feelings and attitudes that could lead to relapse. Coaches also help you form a plan to address any triggering emotions or situations.

Relapse begins long before someone picks up a substance. Relapse can start with getting complacent about recovery, experiencing some kind of loss, deciding not to go to meetings or neglecting your coping skills. When that's the case, a you might become less and less resistant to cravings and intrusive thoughts.

Do recovery coaches really get to know their patients?

Yes, and patients grow to trust and count on Connection recovery coaches. Even patients who initially resisted against coaching become engaged and encouraged.

One of Connection's first patients was a professional athlete who didn't want anything to do with the program or services. His team insisted that he participate. As the Connection coach and patient got to know one another, they shared some good cries and laughs—and the patient thrived in recovery. His wife was thrilled. He was thrilled. And his team was extremely thankful and impressed.

Can family members get involved with Connection?

There are two ways for family members to get involved: A Connection participant can designate someone to receive accountability updates and verification reports. Our professional recovery coaches help spouses, parents and other family members build a recovery of their own.

What's the best advice for individuals and families who are new to recovery?

Be patient. There are ups and downs in early recovery, and change takes time. Try to stay positive and stick together through the journey. Things will eventually stabilize, and a new normal will be established. Just make sure to seek your own support throughout the process. If you need help, we're here for you.