Addiction is called "a family disease" for good reason. Families are in pain. By the time most families reach out for help, the disease has progressed to a crisis level. Families feel traumatized and overwhelmed. There are arguments and confrontations, slamming doors, and sleepless nights. Addiction often brings more serious trouble such as an accident, a lost job, or arrest.
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation’s family programs and resources are designed to help you and your loved ones learn about the disease of addiction and understand the impact on your interactions, relationships and well-being. Our programs and services equip and empower you and your family members to work through the chaos you've experienced, understand how to set healthy boundaries, and rebuild trusting relationships.
When addiction is in the picture, the one place children should feel safe and protected—home—becomes a place of unpredictable behavior, conflict and broken promises.
The Children's Program at Hazelden Betty Ford educates and supports kids who grow up with addiction in their home. Designed for children ages 7-12, the program teaches kids about the disease of addiction and its impact in developmentally appropriate ways. One of the biggest lessons for children is realizing that they are not responsible in any way for the stress and chaos in their home that is caused by addiction. Our program also helps children develop prevention, coping and healthy living skills that build on their strengths and intrinsic worth.
Learn more about the disease of addiction , risk factors and symptoms, and recovery resources at Shatterproof™ Just Five.
Listen to our latest podcasts from leading experts at Hazelden Betty Ford on addiction and mental health topics related to youth, families and more.
It Takes a Family
Learn how your family can build a circle of support for one another.
Addict in the Family
Family members share lessons on healthy boundaries, communication and self-care.
Recovering My Kid
Create a supportive, healing environment for your recovering child and your whole family.